Florentine Cookies Recipe

Lace cookies from Florence are simple and lovely. This cookie method works with any nuts or chocolate. They store nicely, so stack them in a box with a ribbon for a tasty cookie Christmas gift!

– 1 ½ cups whole raw almond – ½ cup unsalted butter – ¾ cup light brown sugar – ¼ cup honey – ½ teaspoon vanilla extract – 1 pinch salt – 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour – 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted



Rounded Banner With Dots

Turn the oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Use a silicone liner to line a baking sheet.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Put almonds in a food processor and pulse and run at full speed every few seconds until coarsely chopped and crumbled. Avoid overdoing it; you don't want them pasty.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Put butter, brown sugar, and honey in a pot on medium heat. Cook until melted and dissolved, stirring occasionally. First boil, then carefully remove from heat.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Whisk flour, salt, and vanilla until smooth. Stir in chopped almonds with a spatula.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Eight consistent, rounded spoonfuls of batter (2 teaspoons, 15 grams) should be placed on the prepared sheet. Perfect the cookie forms and spacing.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Bake in the center of the preheated oven for 10–12 minutes, flipping the pan halfway through, until golden brown and darker around the edges.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Slide the silicone liner off the baking sheet onto the countertop from the oven. Leave cookies to crisp for 3–5 minutes, then gently remove the lining. Bake more batches.


Rounded Banner With Dots

Spread molten chocolate on a flat cookie. Press a second biscuit flat-side down on top and carefully seal that sandwich. Keep cooking cookies. Wait 30 minutes for chocolate to set.


Also See

Best Gingerbread Men Cookies Recipe