“You Are Not Ready”: DC's Massive Batman Story Launches Final Act

Batman fled Gotham, and the Orghams hypnotized residents. Batman returns to Gotham for the dark conclusion of this Gothic Opera from years ago after regaining his mind. 


Batman will greatly challenge the Orgham family, who rule the city without him. On Detective Comics, DC launched Ram V.'s ambitious third and final act. 


After the Orghams hit Batman, the city forgot him. Batman returns to a forgotten Gotham in Detective Comics #1084, out April 23.


The Orghams rule Gotham with werewolves and other supernaturals. Batman must get scarier to reclaim his city from this mystery family.


Over decades, Batman has protected Gotham and built his reputation and relationships. Most criminals fear him and the GCPD trusts him. 


Years were spent building it. Batman struggles to fight crime without these connections. Batman must rebuild Gotham if he can't break the Orghams' spell.


Batman's biggest enemy in Detective Comics is the Orghams. The Orghams defeated Batman, Catwoman, and the Bat-Family in Gotham. 


The powerful Orgham family controls many supernatural elements. Ra's al Ghul served ancient Orghams. Their mystical servants include Azmer demons, werewolves, etc.



Detective Comics' long run will become a Batman "canon." The Orghams hurt Batman more than most enemies. Batman always triumphs over unlikely opponents. 


Batman always recovers from disrepute. Batman and DC say "you are not ready" for "Gotham Nocturne."'s third and final act. The Orghams think they won.

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