Who LOTR's King Of The Dead Was When He Was Alive 

Lord of the Rings King of the Dead who lived? This spirit kept Umbar's Corsairs from fighting at Pelennor Fields, helping Aragorn win. 


The rightful King of Gondor released the King of the Dead and his ghostly people after fulfilling their oath. Lord of the Rings character's story ended here, but Return of the King barely mentioned it.


Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies barely touched Tolkien beyond Frodo. King of Dead performs. This mountain's spirits owed Isildur's line for not fighting for Gondor's king, according to The Return of the King. 


In The Lord of the Rings, the King of the Dead and his people became Dunharrow's Dead Men.


The Dead King ruled a mountain kingdom 3000 years before The Lord of the Rings after the Second Age. Unnamed, he lived near Dwimorberg in the White Mountains. Mountain Men worshipped Sauron like most Middle-earthers. 


King of the Mountain Men pledged allegiance to Elendil and Isildur in Arnor and Gondor. High Men were scarier than Sauron's absence.


Although independent, the King of the Mountain Men swore to Gondor to support Isildur with his army. Isildur knew The Fellowship of the Ring's first battle. 


The Last Alliance of Elves and Men, would decide Middle-earth's fate. The Mountain Men refused to fight Sauron in the Dark Age because they worshipped him. So they ignored Isildur's call.


Before the Mountain King and his men went to war, Isildur cursed them that there would be no king after his death and that they would have no rest until they helped Gondor. Mountain Men waited long after Isildur's fall.


Their spirits became the Dead Men of Dunharrow and their King of the Dead after the king and army died. The Dead King's oath was fulfilled thousands of years later in Lord of the Rings when Isildur's air, Aragorn, called on them.


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