Iron Man's Son Debuts—Named After Tony Stark's Heroic Avengers

Named after Tony's best friend and Avengers hero mother. Tony has no children, unlike Captain America, Wolverine, and Black Widow. After meeting his son, fans may wish he had.


Iron Man's son stars in Avengers: Twilight #1, a new miniseries set in the near future after Ultron's 'Hero Day' attack turned the Hulk against the Avengers, killing, destroying, and eroding public trust.


James Stark, Tony's son, hates the Avengers and is spreading the word after decades.


James, a successful inventor, is the son of Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne's Wasp, two founding Avengers who dated. After Avengers hero War Machine, James 'Rhodey' Rhodes.


After Hero Day, Avengers butler Edwin Jarvis and his brother Kyle, James' aide-de-camp, raised Iron Man and the Wasp's son. 


James, a government weapons contractor, created the bad New Avengers, who infiltrated the originals and committed war crimes. He shows a red-armored Iron Man in future issues, suggesting he will wear it. He arms the US military.


War Machine again shaped Tony Stark's family. In Avengers #24 (2013), an armored time-traveler warned the Avengers about a 'rogue planet' heading for Earth. 


Rhodey Stark, Tony's granddaughter, claimed to be smarter than Iron Man after removing her helmet. Tony names two kids after James Rhodes because he loves Iron Man.


Rhodey met Iron Man in 1978 while Tony escaped in his Model 1 armor on his first mission. They escaped and became brothers after Rhodey let Iron Man drain his plane's energy. 


Rhodey became Tony's pilot when Tony's alcoholism prevented him from being Iron Man. James Rhodes assembled Tony's Iron Legion, his army of past armors, in 1984's Secret Wars.


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