How To Brown Butter Recipe


Brown butter with this simple tutorial! Just one ingredient and a few minutes!




– ½ cup unsalted butter (1 stick; 115 grams) EQUIPMENT – light-colored skillet or saucepan – rubber spatula – heat-proof bowl


Step 1


Put tablespoons of butter in a light-colored skillet or saucepan. Butter should melt completely in the skillet over medium-low heat.

Step 2


Use a rubber spatula to stir butter frequently. Butter foams and bubbles after melting. Small milk solids brown quickly at the pan bottom. 

Step 3


When milk solids brown on the pan and smell nutty, butter is browned. Increase heat to medium to brown faster.

Step 4


Remove skillet from heat and pour butter into a heatproof dish. Scrape out the browned bits from the pan—they have all the flavor! Use as desired.

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