Henry Cavill's Upcoming Spy Movie Will Mimic One James Bond Tradition

The Bond tradition continues with Argylle and Henry Cavill. He revolutionized spy films with Kingsman: 


The Secret Service, Golden Circle, and The King's Man. Argylle, his latest comedy, stars Henry Cavill as a former 007 candidate. 


Vaughn says Argylle will feature a James Bond-like singer's ballad. Deadline contacted Ariana DeBose for “Get Up and Start Again,” by Vaughn, Lorna Balfe, Gary Barlow, and Giles Martin.


Vaughn enjoys spy movie tropes like Kingsman, but in Argylle he wants to destroy James Bond clichés. In an October Vanity Fair interview, Vaughn said the new film would explode one trope:


We have well-groomed suit-clad spies. Stupid spy. Make an impression. An unexpected snoop is best. This film's topic.


As Roger Moore said about James Bond, what kind of spy walks into a room and everyone knows his name and drink preferences? It's ridiculous. We enjoy deconstructing tropes.


DeBose's ballad may parody Adele's "Skyfall" and Shirley Bassey's "Goldfinger." Argylle and Vaughn want to destroy Bond tropes. Cavill's ridiculous haircut connotes Vaughn's latest spy film.


Fans may dislike Vaughn's Bond-subverting comedy. With Vaughn's latest film hinting at a Kingsman connection, Cavill may appear in more films if Argylle succeeds.


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