Demon Slayer follows Tanjiro Kamado, a loyal older brother, who promises to become a demon slayer to save his little sister, Nezuko, who has been changed into a demon.
Tanjiro trains under stronger demon slayers, befriends other aspiring ones, and confronts baddies along the way. He seeks to humanize Nezuko to preserve humanity and his sister.
There is currently a streaming service that allows users to watch all three of the previous seasons of the anime on both Crunchyroll and Hulu.
After the dramatic season 3 finale, Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc's fourth season is awaited. Many Demon Slayer cast members will travel globally to promote the 140-country theatrical release.
In light of these events, fans should soon be treated to more thrilling news regarding Demon Slayer season 4.
There's going to be a formal release date for the Hashira Training Arc in spring 2024, so this is a great opportunity to rewatch Demon Slayer in advance of the next season.