1 Vampire Diaries Character Never Got The Story He Deserved
Although The Vampire Diaries did many things right, it mistreated a key character and omitted his story. Elena Gilbert and two vampire brothers form a dramatic love triangle in the 2009 L.J. Smith adaptation.
Magical elements made the show CW-popular. Success produced Originals and Legacies. However, streaming has revived The Vampire Diaries after eight seasons ended in 2017.
This revival highlights The Vampire Diaries' strengths and weaknesses. The show's popularity shows its longevity.
Rewatching The Vampire Diaries reveals harsh realities, including a key character's mistreatment. This character's shallowness hurt The Vampire Diaries.
Tyler Lockwood captivated Vampire Diaries viewers. Changing from jerk to hero was thrilling. He died just as he was becoming more than a villain.
It felt incomplete in Vampire Diaries. Tyler may have ended a captivating show element without this premature end. Vampire Diaries could have saved him to show his growth.
Tyler's death weakened Vampire Diaries. A Klaus challenger win intrigued me. Others called Klaus an antihero, but he wasn't. Tyler learned Klaus was evil from his story.
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